We practice tithing for the support of Christ’s Body (the local church).
We recognize that giving 10% of our income is the Biblical starting point & standard of giving. We don’t look to pressure people into “fundraisers” but encourage people to give according to Biblical principles.
We are so confident that God will provide for you and bless you that we have set up a “money-back guarantee”. Seriously, we will give you your money back if you are not satisfied. Commit to the 90 Day Tithe Challenge by clicking the button below.
We love to live out our Core Value: BE GENEROUS by giving above and beyond our tithe to Kingdom Builders.
Kingdom Builders is where we make a difference in local church expansion, global projects and missions, and investing in future spiritual leaders.
Check out our Kingdom Builders Page for more details or click the button below to commit to being a Kingdom Builder!
Southridge Church is supported entirely by the generous giving of our friends, members, + regular attenders. Thank you for your generosity!
1. Give IN-PERSON with Cash or Check by using a giving envelope located in the red drop-boxes at our Main Auditorium doors.
2. Give via TEXT by simply texting the “amount + fund” to 84321. For example: “$50 Tithe or $50 Kingdom Builders”.
3. Give ONLINE one-time or set up a recurring giving schedule. It’s safe, easy, and secure!